Sunday, 12 February 2012

New Beads at Last!!!

I know - its been such a long time but I am back in the shed and making new beads to share. I had some time last weekend during the snow and made these gorgeous golden snow queen beads.

So what have I been doing since (ahem - bad blogger alert) October? The big news is that I'm back at work full time and loving my new job but its been having an impact on my free time of course. I no longer have all the beading hours I could wish for and I'm also missing all the time I spent swimming over the summer. 

I've also been playing with some new things - Simon bought me a voucher for truffle making at William Curley as a Christmas present. Becky and I went together and made an enormous mess, giggled a lot and made some lovely chocolates. I made my first post-course truffles this morning (and made lots more mess) which are rather scrumptious if I say so myself! I am slightly worried about the impact of truffle making and lack of swimming though - I must get swimming again.

I've also been knitting which is something I haven't done for at least twenty years. Apparently its very trendy now (in fact we sat behind two women knitting at a music festival last year); I was inspired after coming across Ingrid Wagner. She sells kits for the most amazing rugs and throws which are made on humungous needles! I am now the proud owner of my own hand knitted rug which you can see on my flickr account part way through its creation. I recommend Ingrid's kits wholeheartedly - they are great - but you might want to be careful taking the needles on a plane - you have no idea how much trouble I caused by flying them home. And it was only a domestic flight.....

I will be back soon - I promise!


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