Monday, 15 August 2011

Hi I'm Sarah and I make things with glass - usually beads but I also fuse and I will be learning to sculpt in the flame in September. Having set this blog up in 2006 I thought it was time I used it!

So I thought I'd start by showing you some of my latest creations. When I started to make beads back in 2006 I arranged a course with the wonderful Diana East.  I already knew how to make a bead but Di taught me so much about working with glass and made such a difference to my technique.  I have always intended to go back and see Di for another class but time moved on and it never happened.  Until a few weeks ago when my friend Kaz arranged a special day with Di for her friends and experienced lampworkers. So we got together after Di's open studio last month and had a fabulous day.  Di showed us how to make her wonderful crinian canes and use them in beads. 

I've been practising those beads almost constantly for the last two weeks; they have become a real addiction.  I am very proud of these beads I've shown below. They are a work in progress and I know will improve with time but I wanted to share these now as I'm really pleased with my progress. I made all the components in the beads - some of the canes took a couple of hours as did two of the beads! I have had stiff shoulders as a result but I'm not complaining.

I hope you like them too.



bluefairy said...

They're beautiful Sarah x

nettypoole said...

You must be really chuffed with these. I would be too if they were mine.

flameforcefive said...

Thank you ladies and yes I'm rather chuffed with these, Sarahxxx